Watershed Planning for Mill Creek and Yellow Creek

The Mill Creek Watershed Action Plan was finished by Mill Creek MetroParks and endorsed by the Ohio EPA and Ohio Department of Natural Resources in 2007. The Yellow Creek Watershed Action Plan was developed by Eastgate and received state endorsement in 2015. Fast forward 12 and 4 years respectively and both watersheds are now undergoing development of Non-point Source Strategy Plans (NPS-IS). These plans replace the former Watershed Action Plan to address the U.S EPA’s 9-essential elements as described in the U.S. EPA’s Handbook for Developing Watershed Plans to Restore and Protect our Waters. The plans are being created to guide the region in addressing non-point source pollution issues for the following Mahoning River subwatersheds:

Mill Creek-
Headwaters-Mill Creek HUC-12 (050301030801)
Indian Run (050301030802)
Andersons Run-Mill Creek HUC-12 (050301030803)

Yellow Creek-
Burgess Run- Yellow Creek HUC-12 (050301030806)

State and Federal nonpoint source funding are closely tied to strategic implementation-based planning that meets U.S. EPA’s nine minimum elements of a watershed plan for impaired waters.

For more information Contact: CT Consultants, Laura DeYoung at 216-430-8500 or ldeyoung@ctconsultants.com