"Ah-Ha!" moments of 2016

Since AWARE's blog was created several years ago, it has become a good sounding board for interested or invested partners to discuss issues within our local watersheds.  With that being said, it is that time of year to reflect on some topics, or "Ah-Ha!" moments worth revisiting and giving second (or third or fourth) thoughts to:

Eastgate Will Host A Harmful Algal Bloom Workshop

You are invited to attend a Monitoring Harmful Algal Blooms with GIS and Remote Sensing workshop scheduled for December 8th from 1:00 – 3:00 pm. The workshop will address the causes of harmful algal blooms, how to identify and reduce nutrient loads, and highlight how remote sensing and GIS are being used to study the problem and educate the public. See the attached flyer for more information or contact Bethaney Krzys at bkrzys@eastgatecog.org. We hope you can join us for this exciting workshop!

Click here for more information and to view the workshop flier.